Suominen leads the way in sustainable nonwovens and hosts a Sustainability & New Fiber Seminar

Suominen has excellent know-how on sustainable fibers and pilot lines that support the product development work. Based on this strong background Suominen now presents a seminar with a comprehensive program around trends in nonwovens business and new innovative fibers.

Suominen leads the way in sustainable nonwovens and hosts a Sustainability & New Fiber Seminar

Suominen Sustainability & New Fiber Seminar takes place in Nakkila, Finland on February 28 – March 1. The seminar brings together professionals from across the nonwoven production value chain, from fiber production to converters.

“Sustainability is a leading trend in nonwovens and one of the key themes in our R&D. We are constantly researching new potential fibers in our New Fiber Center in collaboration with our partners. The seminar is an excellent opportunity to get together to exchange ideas and hear intriguing presentations from the top professionals in the field”, says Markku Koivisto, SVP, Europe and R&D.

The seminar program includes also a visit to the Suominen piloting facility and brand-new Green Lab and a dinner at the historic Villilä Manor.


The seminar is by invitation only. Please reach out to your personal sales contact or Senior Manager, Business Development, Mari Rahkola ( for more information.

Suominen Sustainability & Innovative Fibers Seminar

Suominen Sustainability & Innovative Fibers Seminar brings together professionals from across the nonwoven production value chain. Based on the excellent feedback on the first edition of the Seminar in Europe, we are now eager to host Suominen Sustainability & Innovative Fibers Seminar in Windsor Locks, CT, US.