
Governance performance assessment includes three themes: fair business practices​, corporate governance & remuneration​ and sustainable supply chain.

Governance Suominen result (points) Max score (points) Share from max score Weight TOTAL SCORES TO ESG METER
Fair business practices 28 30 93% 10 9
Corporate governance & remuneration 33 36 92% 10 9
Sustainable supply chain 23 30 77% 10 8
Total performance - Governance       30 26
Fair business practices   Performance Reference Score from maximum Scoring principles
TOTAL       28 / 30  
Coverage of code of conduct. Share of trained personnel   94% AR p. 20 2 / 3 100% coverage - 3 points
90-99% coverage - 2 points
80-89% coverage - 1 point
<80% coverage - 0 points
Company code of conduct includes corruption and bribery statements   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Company code of conduct includes discrimination statements   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Company code of conduct includes human rights   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Company code of conduct includes labor practices   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Company code of conduct includes equal opportunities    YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Whistleblowing procedure in place   Whistleblowing channel for internal stakeholders AR p. 55 2 / 3 If whistleblowing channel is in plance and open for internal and external stakeholders - 3
If whistleblowing channel is in place and open for internal stakeholders - 2
No whistleblowing channel in place - 0
Access to remedy   YES  AR p. 88 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions reported   YES AR p. 47 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Number of discrimination cases   0 AR p. 47 3 / 3 0 Incidents - 3 points
1+ Incidents - 0 points
Corporate governance & remuneration   Performance Reference Score from maximum Scoring principles
TOTAL       33 /
Process to involve stakeholders / facilitate participation of the stakeholders   YES AR p. 37 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Sustainability report is published   YES Sustainability reporting 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Third party assurance of sustainability report   YES AR p. 57-58 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Percentage of board members independent of the company   100% AR p. 63 3 / 3 100% board members independent - 3 points
<100% board members independent - 0 points
Independent board chair   YES AR p. 63 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Public disclosure of compensation schemes for members of the executive management team   YES AR p.161-163 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Integration of sustainability performance objectives into the variable remuneration of members of the executive management team   NO n/a 0 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Public disclosure of CEO to employee compensation ratio   YES AR p. 48 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Public disclosure of payments to government   YES AR p. 49 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Public disclosure of economic activity   YES AR p. 8 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Support to political activities   NO Policies 3 / 3 If answer is NO - 3 points
If answer is YES - 0 points
Tax footprint reported in company level   YES AR p. 39-41 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Sustainable supply chain   Performance Reference Score from maximum Scoring principles
TOTAL       23 /
Coverage of suppliers that complies with Suominen's supplier CoC standard   100% AR p.36 3 / 3 100% Supplier CoC coverage - 3 points
90-99% Supplier CoC coverage - 2 points
80-89% Supplier CoC coverage - 1 point
<80% Supplier CoC coverage - 0 points
Supplier code of conduct includes corruption and bribery statements   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Supplier code of conduct includes discrimination statements   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Supplier code of conduct includes human rights   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Supplier code of conduct includes labor practices   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Supplier code of conduct includes equal opportunities   YES Policies 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Third party supplier audit partner in place   YES AR p.36 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Suppliers from risk areas assessed   NO n/a 0 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Coverage of risk suppliers audited by third party partner   0% n/a 0 / 3 100% suppliers audited - 3 points
90-99% suppliers audited - 2 points
80-89% suppliers audited - 1 point
<80% suppliers audited - 0 points
EcoVadis medal rating   Silver AR p. 18 2 / 3 Platinum or Gold medal - 3 points
Silver medal - 2 points
Bronze medal  - 1 point
No medal - 0 points