
Social performance assessment includes three themes: human & labor rights​, health & safety​ and employee well-being.

Social Suominen result (points) Max score (points) Share from max score Weight TOTAL SCORES TO ESG METER
Human & labor rights 6 9 67% 10 7
Health & safety 12 15 80% 10 8
Employee well-being 6 12 50% 10 5
Total performance - Social       30 20
Human & labor rights   Performance Reference Score from maximum Scoring principles
TOTAL       6 / 9  
Human rights policy in place   YES Human rights policy 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Human rights due dilligence procedure   NO n/a 0 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Controversies relating to human rights reported   YES AR p. 88 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO - 0 points
Health & safety   Performance Reference Score from maximum
Scoring principles
TOTAL       12 / 15  
Coverage of certified occupational H&S managment systems (ISO 45001 standard) in own sites   100% AR p. 26 3 / 3 100% own sites certified - 3 points
80-99% own sites certified - 2 points
70-79% own sites certified - 1 point
<70% own sites certified - 0 points
Occurence of fatal accidents   0 AR p. 54 3 / 3 0 Fatal accidents - 3 points
1+ Fatal accidents or not reported - 0 points
Lost time accidents (LTA)   6 AR p. 20 0 / 3 0 Lost time accidents - 3 points
1 Lost time accidents - 2 points
2-3 Lost time accidents - 1 point
4+ Lost time accidents - 0 points
Occurence of fatal accidents (contractors)   0 Website 3 / 3 0 Fatal accidents - 3 points
1+ Fatal accidents or not reported - 0 points
Coverage of occupational health care reported   YES AR p. 25 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO or not reported - 0 points
Employee well-being   Performance Reference Score from maximum
Scoring principles
TOTAL       6 / 12  
Practicalities to support work-life balance in place   YES Website 3 / 3 If answer is YES - 3 points
If answer is NO or not reported - 0 points
Share of employees covered by annual progress review (performance and development discussions)   56% AR p. 54 0 / 3 100% of employees covered - 3 points
80-99% of employees covered  - 2 points
70-79% of employees covered - 1 point
<70% of employees covered - 0 points
Result of employee engagement index   66% AR p. 20 2 / 3 >73%  - 3 points
60-72% - 2 points
50-59% - 1 point
<50%  - 0 points
Diversity, equity & inclusion   Covered in Suominen Human Rights Policy Human Rights Policy 1 / 3 If DEI actions & targets in place - 3 points
If DEI roapmap in place - 2 points
IF DEI policy in place - 1 points
If no actions taken - 0 points