UN Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 define international sustainable development focus areas and goals. We want to do our part to promote the achievement of the goals in our value chain by increasing our positive impacts and decreasing our negative impacts. We have identified three SDG’s which covers the areas where we can make the biggest contribution and our sustainability agenda guides our work towards these goals.
Most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals for Suominen

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Suominen promotes responsible business practices throughout the value chain and does not tolerate slavery, forced or child labor, or human trafficking in any form in its own or its suppliers’ operations. Suominen promotes equal opportunities for all. Our principle is “equal pay for an equal contribution”. A safe workplace is one of our top priorities, and we are continuously striving to improve our safety culture in order to achieve an accident-free workplace.

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
Our goal is to use natural resources as efficiently as possible and strive for minimization of waste in production, by recycling and finding alternative outlets for non-recyclable waste. With our product offering, we contribute to this goal by taking account of the entire value chain in our product design, in order to decrease any negative impacts on the environment. We publicly report our activities and progress towards our sustainability goals.

SDG 13: Climate action
Suominen is committed to reducing the greenhouse gases emitted due to its operations, by improving its energy efficiency and finding alternative low-carbon energy sources. With our product offering, we are contributing to this goal by calculating the carbon footprint of our products and developing solutions with a smaller climate impact.
SDGs and Sustainability Agenda targets
People and safety
- Zero Lost Time Accidents
- Engagement index 73% by 2025
Corporate citizenship
- Renewed Code of Conduct coverage: 100% of existing employees and new hires
- Raw material suppliers audited against supplier code (based on risk assessment)
Sustainable nonwovens
- Over 10 sustainable product launches per year
- Sustainable products: 50% increase of sales by 2025 compared to the base year 2019
Low impact manufacturing
- Reduction targets are set per ton of product compared to the base year 2019:
- 20% reduction of energy consumption
- 20% reduction of process waste to landfill
- 20% reduction of water intake
- 20% reduction of emitted greenhouse gas emissions*
*Target is set for Scope 1 and 2 emissions (emissions from our own operations and purchased energy generation) |